We are ready to regrow your life, anxiety does not control you. A life changing practice in one app.
Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, uneasiness, and apprehension. It might cause you to sweat, feel restless or tense, have a rapid heartbeat, and worry or have anxious thoughts. It can be a normal reaction to stress or anxiety provoking situations. For example, you might feel anxious when faced with a difficult problem at work, before taking a test, before making an important decision, or when changes happen in life. Everyone experiences anxiety. It is manageable, treateable, and it does not control you or define you. Anxiety is a feeling and it will pass.
Deep Breathing, Mindfulness, Meditation, Visualization, Positive Affirmations, Journaling with a Voice record option that allows you to save and reflect or Let it go, a Worry Timer, and a Virtual Snap Bracelet are all coping tools that are helpful for anxiety and provided by the AnxietyEase App.
Guided Meditations and Deep Breathing exercises are focused on relieving anxiety and increasing mindfulness.These exercises reinforce positive affirmations to help you feel more peaceful within minutes. Practicing mindfulness on a daily basis keeps your anxiety level low. Increasing the positive words you hear everyday will decrease anxiety as well.
Anxiety Bracelets help with the thought stopping technique. The virtual anxiety Snap Bracelets will keep the good vibes going all day long. You can virtually snap the bracelet anytime you need to and do need to worry about forgetting your bracelet at home or constantly looking for your rubber band snap bracelet before leaving out the door. Have fun, snap the bracelet, and think of peaceful thoughts.
Set the worry timer, worry for the allotted time you choose, and once you hear the beeping that is your signal to let the worry go.
A worry timer is a strategy that helps you limit your worry during the day and during various situations throughout your life. You may pick the same time everyday to let worries go or use it as needed. The worry timer will enhance your ability to cope with worry and anxiety.
Journals are highly recommended stress management tools that can help reduce anxiety, lessen feelings of distress & increase overall well being. The journal provided on AnxietyEase gives you several features.You can now voice record or write it out. If you want to talk it out and utilize the voice option go right ahead.
It could help to hear your own voice. You can choose to save the recording or writing and reflect on it later or let it go and let the universe handle it. It’s a safe space where you can express your feelings. If you don’t feel like writing in your journal today, now you can talk into with ease and do not need to miss a day of journaling away feelings of anxiety.
A simple and fun anxiety coping tool whenever you need it. Decrease anxiety with each snap and get out of the anxious moment.
AnxietyEase is an amazing tool for managing your stress and anxiety. It's helped me to work through my worries and fears as they come up on a daily basis. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to overcome their anxiety.
The app has been a great resource for me! I mostly use it for the guided meditation videos-they have been a great help. Would love to see more videos for winding down too. Overall, it's been a good experience and easy to use.
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